Instagram Basic Display API: Creating a Facebook App

Today we learn how to setup a Facebook App for use with the Instagram Basic Display API. We create a Facebook app, add Instagram to our Facebook app, create an Instagram app under our Facebook App, and add our personal Instagram account as a tester under our new Instagram App.

A Facebook App is required in order to use the Instagram Basic Display API. The Instagram Basic Display API allows us read only access to any Instagram Account that grants access to our App. We can get things like user info, number of posts, list of users posts, details on specific Instagram posts and more.

Step 1: Create a Facebook App

  1. Go to
  2. Create a new App


Step 2: Configure Facebook App Settings

  1. Navigate to “Settings > Basic”
  2. Fill in App Domain: Add domain(s) where the App will live.
  3. Fill in Privacy Policy: URL to your privacy policy (or any URL will do).
  4. Scroll to the bottom, click “Add Platform” and select “Website”. Add your domain where the App will live.

Facebook App Settings Basic

Step 3: Add Instagram App to Facebook App

In the side bar on the left click on “PRODUCTS”. Find Instagram and click “Set Up”

instagram product setup

In the side bar on the left there should be an Instagram section. Navigate to “Instagram > Basic Display” and click “Create New App”.

basic display tab

Under the Basic Display tab now we need to configure a few settings.

  • Valid OAuth Redirect URIs: This is the URL the Instagram will redirect the user back to after they have authenticated with our app.
  • Deauthorize Callback URL: Base domain of our website.
  • Data Deletion Request URL: Base domain of our website.

instagram app

Step 4: Add Test User

In order to test with the Instagram Basic Display API. We will add ourselves as a test user to our Instagram App. Navigate to the Roles section in the left hand side bar and add yourself to the “Instagram Testers” section.

instagram testers

Login to your Instagram account in a web browser, go to your profile, click on the settings gear icon, click “Apps and Websites”, and select the “TESTER INVITES” tab. We should see an invite from the App. Click “Accept”. We have authorized our App and can begin using the Instagram Basic Display API.

instagram tester invite

That is how we setup a Facebook App and an Instagram App so we can use Instagram Basic Display API. Since we are a test user and have authorized the app, we can use the Instagram Basic Display API to get things like the Instagram accounts profile information and posts!


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That is going to do it for this post! Leave any comments/questions/concerns below and thanks for stopping by the blog!

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